Back to the Basics: Lighting
Design Sessions in Chronological Order
In our Back to the Basics series, we're taking you through design principles that we know to be the foundation of great design! These principles will become the foundation for creating a beautiful home and give you the tools you need to tackle any project!
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Up Next in Design Sessions in Chronological Order
Back to the Basics: Window Treatments
In this Back to the Basics Session, Rebecca takes you through the top three principles you need to know for creating beautiful Window Treatments!
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The Power of Setting Intention for a ...
In the first Session of the series, Designing Rebecca's Dream Home, Rebecca will walk you through the transformative power of the first step of The Kinwoven Way. By refining her intentions for her space she created the perfect retreat for herself.
Note: There is no PDF for this Session
March 2022 Live Q&A with Rebecca
If you'd like to submit your question for a future Q&A, please email your question to [email protected] including photos and video of your space!
Schedule Your 1:1 Design Consultation with Rebecca: